Okikawa Maru

Okikawa Maru Wreck: A Vibrant Underwater Haven in Coron

Beneath the pristine waters of Coron, Philippines, lies a captivating world of history and marine life waiting to be explored. The Okikawa Maru wreck, one of Coron’s shallower wrecks, is a hidden gem that teems with life and history. With the main deck sitting at 16 meters (52 feet) and the deepest point at 26 meters (85 feet), this 160-meter (525 feet) long wreck is not only encrusted in coral but also home to a high density of fascinating critters, including colorful nudibranchs that find refuge among its structure. Divers can also expect to encounter large schools of snapper, sweetlips, batfish, and barracuda that swirl around this underwater time capsule.

A Dive into History and Life

The Okikawa Maru wreck is not just a remarkable dive site; it’s also a window into history. Its presence in the depths of Coron’s waters is a result of a pivotal moment in World War II. In September 1944, this area witnessed one of the most significant attacks of the war. A squadron of US bombers, undertaking what was then considered the furthest range air attack ever, targeted a Japanese supply fleet that had sought refuge among the islands of Coron.

A War’s Legacy Beneath the Sea

The consequences of this historic attack are now visible beneath the waves. The Okikawa Maru is one of many vessels and aircraft carriers that make up the underwater legacy of this pivotal moment. It rests alongside a plethora of supply ships, gunboats, munitions ships, and aircraft carriers that were part of the Japanese supply fleet. This underwater museum offers divers a unique opportunity to explore the relics of history while encountering a thriving marine ecosystem.

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Vibrant Marine Life and Coral Encrustations

The Okikawa Maru may be a testament to history, but it’s also a haven for marine life. The wreck is adorned with colorful coral encrustations that provide shelter to an array of critters. Nudibranchs, with their striking hues, find a home among the wreckage, creating a surreal scene for underwater photographers and nature enthusiasts. The diversity of life that thrives in and around the wreck is a testament to nature’s resilience.

Schools of Fish and Underwater Spectacles

As you explore the Okikawa Maru, keep an eye out for the awe-inspiring sights of marine life in motion. Large schools of snapper, sweetlips, batfish, and barracuda often surround the wreck, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that’s sure to leave a lasting impression on divers.

The Okikawa Maru wreck is not just a dive site; it’s a journey through history and an immersion in the beauty of underwater life. It’s a must-visit destination for divers who want to combine their passion for exploration with an appreciation for the past. Coron’s wrecks, including the Okikawa Maru, are living testaments to the remarkable stories that lie beneath the waves, waiting to be discovered by those who venture into the deep.

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